We reached a closed beta state of timbertales and i try to finish the game as soon as possible. My budget is nearly empty and will definitely depleted this month. This means i need to get some more budget to finish Timbertales. My idea was to start a kickstarter to get the small amount which is needed to finish Timbertales and of course I hope for your support. The big advantage of kickstarter is: I can give out cool rewards for every supporter!
I already receive some funds and appreciate that a lot. It is very important to outline, that only if we reach the goal the money is funded!

So I created some cool rewards for your support and want to tell you more about them:

  • 1€ – 2x random ingame units, you receive news & updates around Timbertales
  • 5€ – You will receive an unique Supporter-Skin for our badger “Rainy” & You also will be listed on the credits page timbertales-supporter
  • 10€ – You can choose to support the Sylvan or Vermin, this means you get one campaign for free and the rewards before
  • 20€ – You will receive the rewards before + the first two campaigns for free which will be the main campaign for the sylvans and the main campaign of the vermins
  • 50€ – You receive a ‘Master Account’ with the master account you will never ever have to pay for anything in the game
  • 80€ – You receive a ‘Master Account’ and a special Timbertales T-Shirt
  • 125€ – Sponsorship in game with your personal logo and link + Master Account
  • 250€ – Create your own game elemen
  • 1500€ – You are allowed to define a 3rd race for timbertales with all its units and naming them. You can also define their look and feel and discuss it with our graphic artist + Master Account + Sponsorship


I hope for your support to be able to release the game as soon as possible, check out the Kickstarter page for more details
