7 Things you will love about Flat Fat Cat Bounce Version 1.5.0

Lets get right into it with the new version of Flat Fat Cat Bounce I did a lot of changes. I want to introduce the major changes now and explain a little bit about the decisions.

1. Animated Menu

As a first step of a feature I planned for the future I animated the main menu. I know most of you won’t have spend too much time in the main menu, thats why we want to introduce another feature in the near future to set more focus to the main menu. Just as a little hint you will be able to feed your cat and customize the room 🙂

2. UI Remastered

The old windows and interface lack a bit of quality, animations and layouting. I wanted to improve the whole expierence while you are in the menu, on the shop or looking through the map. I improved nearly all dialogs, windows and other UI elements. There are plenty of new animations and new window layouts. I hope the effort worth it and you like the new design just as much as I do.

3. Watch your stars

Did you ever thought while accomplishing a level – Was I fast enough to reach 3 stars? To have a much better overview about how many time left or how fast I have to be to earn 3 stars. I introduced a new UI element in game. This will help you to track time and stars while playing through the levels.

4. New effects

To improve the contrast of different szenes I implemented a new sepia shader, which greys out the background if any dialog is shown. We also changed the matching effect of two cats from hearts to stars and make it a bit more visible.

5. Improved scolling

It is so annoying to scroll the whole map with the slow scroll speed. So I finally implemented the fling to scroll over the map how to should be since start of FlatFatCat. With this small feature navigation around the map should be much easier.

6. Graphics improved

I wasn’t very happy with the old dialogs and menu. So I came up with this new UI graphics. In my opinion they fit much better into the game and are really good looking. Nearly every UI element was touched and changed. There is a lot of new graphics to explore!

7. New sounds

Some sounds were a bit annoying or just not fitting into the game. I changed the dissolve sound from the meow to a more success based sound effect. Also the winning sound changed a bit to make it less annoying.

I hope you all enjoy the new features and appreciate them that much as I do. I really like Flat Fat Cat Bounce and would love to invest even more time into it and release a lot more new features! Nevertheless now the time for new players and a lot of marketing has come. Please leave your comments below and subscribe to this blog.