by Rainware | Nov 14, 2016 | Allgemein
A short introduction of my new project: Timbertales Puzzle. Currently I am developing a puzzle game based on Timbertales assets. I want to give you a short insight into my current state of development. Let me introduce the game in detail first. You will have to move tiles around in a specific level until your turns for this level are depleted or the level is finished.
Goal and mechanics
To finish a level you need to clear the way for rainy to reach his badger set with limited turns.
To control the tiles you just need to drag them around. It is very intuitive as you know the touch gesture from many other apps or games. There will be also some special mechanics: Tiles, which are blocked and cannot be moved or other obstacles to pass.
The game should contain round about 40 different levels at release and more will follow. The difficulty will of course increase with each level. I plan to offer different level packages, so it will be possible to continuously release updates with new level packages. The development time is scheduled until mid of December. Of course Timbertales puzzle will be released as android and iOS app and will be for free. Some level packages might cost a little fee in future.
by Rainware | Nov 1, 2016 | Allgemein
Short Summary about Freelancing building up the brand of Timbertales with a puzzle game and creating some ways to actually earn money to provide a better Version of Timbertales!
Whats going on
Meanwhile I am able to earn some money with my freelancing project yeah! My first investment – a new Asus Zenbook. I had to buy a new notebook, because my macbook finally died 🙁 So I will be back on arch linux for now :).
But lets get back to the topic. With the upcoming money I will be able to finally finish Timbertales within the next couple of months. Unfortunately at the moment there is a very short time frame to work on my Rainware projects.
Timbertales puzzle
With the short time in mind I came up with a new game idea: A Timbertales branded puzzle game – a tiny single player puzzle game based on the Timbertales Brand and assets, which already exists. The game should contain round about 40 levels. I reuse many of the assets I already use in Timbertales and also some of the code. This allows me to keep the development time for the entire game very short. My goal is to strengthen the Timbertales Brand and to create more attention for the upcoming Timbertales game. In addition I want to deliver something, earning money and so on 🙂
Whats about Timbertales?
This won’t delay Timbertales even more, because as I said for the moment there isn’t much time for it anyway. I will need to redefine some things and refactor a lot to improve the quality. That will make sure to reach the quality I was aiming for and deploy a game, which is fun for everyone. I want to release the puzzle game in between.
Shopware Plugins
Just another topic or opportunity for me is to distribute Shopware – Plugins. I am quite experienced in this area and just want to try out how the money can flow in this business 🙂 Of course this involves only small Plugins with a development time of less than 1 day. It should be a one time process to create the plugins and sell them over the store. Observe how its working.
For continuous news / updates about Timbertales – make sure to follow me on twitter! 🙂
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