Timbertales Patchnotes 1.3.0 *Remastered*

I am proud to announce a new patch for Timbertales. This patch includes a lot of graphical improvements and replaces a lot of placeholders in the game. This patch is one of the first steps directing to the full release of Timbertales. Unfortunately I haven’t received much feedback about Timbertales within the last months, I would appreciate that a lot. This would allow me to further improve Timbertales and bring it to a full release. Nevertheless here are the change with 1.3.0:


  • Replaced a lot of text with more fitting icons or shorter text
  • Improved Multiplayer screen
  • Improved Challenge screen
  • Improved Loading screen
  • Improved Lobby
  • Improved options
  • Improved profile screen
  • Improved game interface
  • Improved Popups, layouts and font colors
  • Improved exchange screen (android, ios)
  • Improved credits screen
  • Improved ranking screen
  • Improved mission overview
  • Added exit button in main menu
  • New Input fields
  • Windows and tabs were improved
  • Removed lots of unused assets and files
  • Added window animations

And many more small changes to layouts, assets etc. You will explore a whole new interface experience. I also plan to rework some of the units and animations in the near future. I would love to invest more time into the game, but I will need some feedback.